Stephen King's horror story Misery is a deeply psychological study of a tormented, psychopathic person, Annie Wilkes. Because of Misery is a psychological story, it teaches lots of themes like obsessive love Annie has for Paul; fame and what being famous can cost you (crazy fans, "number one fan"); irony of being dependent on someone to keep you alive, who could potentially kill you; delusional love for a fictional character, isolation and desperation. Now I will discuss the two of these themes I've given.
Now, I will explain being dependent on someone who could potentially kill you. Annie threatens him to kill him and herself if he rejects writing the book. Paul didn't have enough power to save himself from her or run away. And he needs her for drug and food. If he tried to kill her and succeeded (90% he wouldn't succeed and be killed), there wouldn't be anyone to give him food etc. to keep him alive. So he is completely dependent on her. The main conflict is this theme, I think. He had no choice. If he had an alternative, the story wouldn't develop like it.
To sum up these two themes formed the conflicts and the story itself. So they are really important. The negative conditions formed by them.